Wednesday, October 31, 2007

East Coast Living

It’s been an interesting experience getting married and moving across the country to start our lives all on our own. I think I’ve felt that this is what I’ve wanted to do ever since I started taking the thought of marriage seriously. I suppose the desire to get married and then move away comes partially from my parents. In a good way of course.

Years ago, they both encouraged me to consider starting my marriage in a new area where we could develop our marriage from the start without influences from both them and my someday future in-laws. Looking back at Christie’s and my experience, I think that was wise advise. Sure, there are plenty of things that we are missing out on like family functions such as birthdays, holidays, and so on, not to mention half the cost of living compared to the East Coast. But I also look at what we’ve gained. I truly believe that Christie and I have something that we wouldn’t have if we were to have stayed in Colorado. Without having the comfort of family to fall back on, we’ve become quite comfortable in relying on each other.

Working together to make a team knowing that no one’s there to bail us out if it doesn’t work puts that extra incentive to make it work. I value that more than a few missed birthdays for a few missed years on a mortgage. We found our jobs together, we found our church together, we found our car, home, school, etc. together. I think there is a level of trust and confidence that we would have missed out on developing if not having moved 2,700 miles away from all that we knew. But don’t get me wrong, when the time’s right… we’re coming home!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My blog

I read blogs, I have friends that blog, and I think the general idea behind blogs are a fantastic idea. Then I had my own fantastic idea... I'll start my own. Too be honest, I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to blog about, but I'm sure I'll figure that out. I have my opinions and thoughts, and I'm excited for the opportunity to grace you with my all so reflective insight into this complex world. (please note the sarcasm :-))